The Movie “The Cell” Starring Jennifer Lopez & Vince Vaughn is about a few detectives, Jennifer Lopez being one of them chasing a Little kid around in his psyche (while in REM PHASE)
kinda like Avatar.
While Jennifer Lopez and The man Lay on a Table While in REM PHASE
When j lo arrives in his psyche
The Man is a Little kid (A kid who resembles donald marshall)
Because this Man who is being interrogated was truamatized as a kid and Still sees him self as one in that area of his brain
J lo is Trying to find information about a girl The Man Kidnapped but she (jlo) ends up getting put under a trance by some Creepy Man in what looks like to be a Robe and crown a King from england would wear & Ends up torturing A detective while j lo was in a trance and this movie is a %100 about Donald Marshall.
Queen Elizabeth probably wanted this movie to be made.
The little boy is Donald Marshall & this movie “The Cell” is About consciousness transfer. %100 Percent.
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