These are the "aliens" they will use for PROJECT BLUE BEAM.. to lure people to deep underground miltary bases to be DRONED by the VRIL TYPE 1 Lizards... DON'T FALL FOR JR
Mel Gibson left clues and hints about the vril type 3 lizards defence mechanism in the movie 'Signs'..he is aware that the alien threat is deep underground & not from outter space.. he just can't give to many he mixed truth and lies in this movie..but the scene of the quill coming out of the aliens wrist is 100 percent hinting about vril type 3's
Nearly identicle to the Vrill Type 3.. they were put in the star wars movie.. called kaminoans & are cloners in the movie.... they are hinting about the cloning centers
Egyptian hieroglyph of a vril type 3
Ex engineer for the u.s military shows his 3 missing fingers from being attacked by a VRIL TYPE 3
Ohh myy,why do the greys have to be hostel for :/ can't we all who reside in this world,have peace!!!